7.3 DYB
7.3.1 User Accounts
account for computing cluster
Please see chapter 2. We will create the afs account when the application is approved by the DYB contact person;
Please see section 3.2.2 HTCondor Jobs for job submission and management;
account for svn
Please send email to Qiumei maqm@ihep.ac.cn, and CC to Miao hem@ihep.ac.cn
account for DYB homepage
The DYB homepage: http://dayabay.ihep.ac.cn/twiki/bin/view/Public/WebHome
Click “Register” on the top right corner.
7.3.2 Storage Personal Directories
Each DYB user has the following personal directories, as listed in the table:
Directory | Quota of size/NO. of files | Quota querying |
/afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/username | 500MB/none | fs listquota /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/username |
/workfs/dyw/username | 5GB/50,000 | lfs quota -u username /workfs |
/publicfs/dyb/data/userdata/username | Totally 10TB/300,000 | lfs quota -u username /publicfs |
/scratchfs/dyw/username | 500GB/none (keep for 2 weeks) | lfs quota -u username /scratchfs | Data Directories
DYW data directories:
Directory | Data type | Quota of size/NO. of files | Quota querying |
/dybfs/rawdata/ingest_data/ | raw data | none/300,000 | lfs quota -u username /dybfs |
/dybfs/rec/ | rec data | none/300,000 | |
/publicfs/dyb/ingest_data/ | raw data | none/300,000 | lfs quota -u username /publicfs |
/publicfs/dyb/data/mc/ | sim data | 20TB/300,000 | |
/publicfs/dyb/data/prototype/ | AD prototype data | none/300,000 | |
/publicfs/dyb/data/rpctest/ | RPC testing data | none/300,000 | |
/publicfs/dyb/data/pmttest/ | PMT testing data | none/300,000 | |
/publicfs/dyb/data/rec/KUP11A/ | keepup rec data | none/300,000 | Tape Directories
/castor/ihep.ac.cn/dyb (Please find detail at section 3.3.7 about the tape storage)