7.13 EP

7.13.1 User Accounts

  • account for computing cluster

    Please see chapter 2. We will create the afs account when the application is approved by the EP contact person;

  • job submission and management

    Please refer to section [3.2.1] (../../local-cluster/jobs/HTCondor/README.md) for instructions on job submission;

    The command to submit HTCondor jobs:

     condor_submit submit  -group ep

7.13.2 Storage Directories

The storage directories available to users are divided into two categories, one for common storage for the computing cluster and the other for the EP project's own storage. Users can plan their own storage space for files, codes, and data based on their own requirements and storage characteristics. The available public storage space includes the individual user directory (500 MB) in the AFS directory.

The HERD project has its own storage space in two parts:

Directory name Quota/Files Feature Instructions
/epfs/data Dynamic control of different project requirements A directory for working and large storage space User directories are created under USER, and data directories cannot be created without permission
/epfs/user User directory Storage of Personal Documents

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