3.2.3 Hadoop Jobs Hadoop Computing Cluster

Hadoop computing cluster is a new computing system based Hadoop and optimized for High Energy physics computing. It has high reliability, high efficiency, high scalability, high fault tolerance and low cost. Job submission Instructions

The job submission is divided into account application, user login, job option file preparation and job submission.

1) Account application

(1) Apply AFS account

AFS account aplication link is: http://afsapply.ihep.ac.cn/ccapply/userapplyaction.action.

If you already have afs account, ignore this and forward to step (2).

(2) Apply Hadoop account

Send email to admistration, email address: huangql@ihep.ac.cn

2) User login

The available login farm: ybjslc.ihep.ac.cn, more details listed in 3.1

3) Prepare job Option file

Before you submit jobs, you have to prepare job option file. The job option file contains six parts:

(1) JobType: job type. For example: cosmic rays simulation(corsika), detector simulation(Geant 4) and reconstruction job(medea++).

(2) InputFile/InputPath: Input file or directory. The input data files are required to be stored in /hdfs.

(3) OutputPath: Output file or directory. If output to HDFS, the directory begins with /hdfs. Otherwise output to other mount points like /scratcfs. At the same time, you need to explain the prefix and extension of the output file name.

(4) Job Environment settings: Job execution environment.

(5) Executable commands: Exectutable commands, which are the job running procedures and parameters.

(6) LogOutputDir: The log directory.

jobOptionFile example 1:

//Job Environment settings
source /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/y/ybjx/anysw/slc5_ia64_gcc41/external/envc.sh
export G4WORKDIR=/workfs/cc/huangql/v0-21Sep15
export PATH=${PATH}:${G4WORKDIR}/bin/${G4SYSTEM}
//executable commands
cat ${Hadoop_InputDir} | /workfs/cc/huangql/v0-21Sep15/bin/Linux-g++/G4asg   -output $Hadoop_OutputDir  -setting  $G4WORKDIR/config/settingybj.db -SDLocation $G4WORKDIR/config/ED25.loc -MDLocation $G4WORKDIR/config/MD16.loc -geom $G4WORKDIR/config/geometry.db ## -nEventEnd $Eventend

jobOptionFile example 2:

//Output File Name Prefix
//Output File Name Extend
// set environment
//source setup.sh
// I start number
//cycle index
// execute progrom
SD1=`expr 33746 + $I`
SD2=`expr 13338 + $I`
SD3=`expr 54923 + $I`
echo $SD1
echo $SD2
echo $SD3
cd /home/cc/huangql/hadoop/corsika-74005/run
rm -rf $Hadoop_OutputDir/DAT*${I}*
//executable commands
RUNNR   $I                             run number
EVTNR   1                              number of first shower event
NSHOW   50                              number of showers to generate
PRMPAR  14                             particle type of prim. particle
ESLOPE  -2.7                           slope of primary energy spectrum
ERANGE  100.E3 100.E3                 energy range of primary particle
THETAP  0   0                        range of zenith angle (degree)
PHIP    45  45                        range of azimuth angle (degree)
SEED    $SD1   0   0                   seed for 1. random number sequence
SEED    $SD2   0   0                   seed for 2. random number sequence
SEED    $SD3   0   0
OBSLEV  4300.0E2                       observation level (in cm)
FIXCHI  0.                             starting altitude (g/cm**2)
MAGNET  34.5  35.0                     magnetic field centr. Europe
HADFLG  0  0  0  0  0  2               flags hadr.interact.&fragmentation
QGSJET  T  0                           use QGSJET for high energy hadrons
QGSSIG  T                              use QGSJET hadronic cross sections
ECUTS   0.05  0.05  0.001  0.001         energy cuts:hadr. muon elec. phot.
MUADDI  F                              additional info for muons
MUMULT  T                              muon multiple scattering angle
ELMFLG  F   T                          em. interaction flags (NKG,EGS)
MUMULT  T                              muon multiple scattering angle
ELMFLG  F   T                          em. interaction flags (NKG,EGS)
STEPFC  1.0                            mult. scattering step length fact.
RADNKG  200.E2                         outer radius for NKG lat.dens.distr.
ARRANG  0.                             rotation of array to north
LONGI   T  10.  T  T                   longit.distr. & step size & fit & out
ECTMAP  1.E2                           cut on gamma factor for printout
MAXPRT  1000                            max. number of printed events
DATBAS  F                             write .dbase file
DIRECT  $Hadoop_OutputDir/  output directory
USER    you                            user
DEBUG   F  6  F  1000000               debug flag and log.unit for out
EXIT                                   terminates input


4) Job submission

The command to submit jobs:

hsub  queue  jobType jobOptionFile jobname

jobType: MC(simulation job), REC(reconstruction job), DA(analysis job)

queue: Queue name(ybj, default)

jobOptionFile: Job option file

jobname: Job name

5) Job management

(1) Query all jobs

mapred job -list all

(2) Query running jobs

mapred job -list

(3) View job status

mapred job -status jobId

(4) Kill job

mapred job -kill jobId

(5) Kill task

mapred job -kill-task taskId

6) Job monitoring

Access the link: http://lhaaso01.ihep.ac.cn:50030/jobtracker.jsp to view job status and log file.


7) HDFS File management

HDFS monitoring: http://lhaaso01.ihep.ac.cn:50070/

(1) Web browser


(2) Commands

a. list files

hadoop fs -ls /

b. create directory

hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp/input

c. upload file

hadoop fs –put/ -copyFromLocal file destdir

d. download file

hadoop fs –get/ -copyToLocal  file destdir

e. read file

hadoop fs -cat file
hadoop fs -tail file

f. delete file

hadoop fs –rm -r file

g. delete directory

hadoop fs –rm -r dir

h. modify permission

hadoop fs –chmod
hadoop fs –chown

i. Disk usage

hadoop fs –du –h dir

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